Flower Mountain Sunday Meditation
Join the Zoom Meeting at this link:
We offer what we do by donation. $5 - $20 suggested. You can make a donation below. If your resources are limited, please feel welcome regardless of your ability to pay.
For audio only from your phone:
+1 253 205 0468 (US)
Meeting ID: 919 863 114
Passcode: 065234
Wednesday Meditation
Jisen Coghlan and Boise Zen Center invites Flower Mountain meditate with the Boise Zen Center Community on Zoom. You can join for either or both the 6am or the 6:40 am sitting.
Join FMZ/BZC Wednesday mornings for quiet meditation with the monthly koan. It's lovely to have the silence and the company as the sun is just appearing.
6:00-6:30am Meditation
6:30-6:40am. Walking meditation
6:40-7:10am Meditation
From the app or in your browser, from you computer or smartphone, join Zoom Meeting at this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7249354356?pwd=V1k1RGFlSzVqbFRVam0wV2U4Q0RiZz09
Sunday mornings vary as follows:
The money you donate here goes directly to support the teacher, the teachings, and the expenses of Flower Mountain Zen. During these difficult times we make an effort to share our resources with those in need, as well, when we can.